A Toast to Triumph: The 2024 Cycle 2 Reboot 66® Challenge Winners

The 2024 Cycle 2 Reboot 66® Challenge brought a harvest of awe-inspiring stories, with three remarkable women rising as beacons of hope for thousands on their weight loss journeys. We proudly celebrate these winners for their incredible achievements, conquering obstacles, and embracing the transformative power of ZipSlim®. Their courage and dedication inspire us all to pursue our fitness goals with determination and resilience.

The Reboot 66® Challenge celebrates the powerful personal transformations of individuals who share their inspiring “Before to Beyond” fitness journeys. By embracing the nine Reboot Rituals and incorporating ZipSlim® into their daily lives, participants are empowered to achieve a fitter, healthier and happier version of themselves. With new winners announced every cycle, the challenge offers year-round motivation, rewards, and the opportunities to celebrate success.

This cycle, we are thrilled to honor three remarkable women for their achievements in Weight Loss, Lifestyle, and Active categories. Each of their stories is a testament to the power of commitment, resilience, and the positive changes they’ve embraced with ZipSlim® twice a day, paving the way to their fitness success.

The 2024 Cycle 2 Reboot 66® Winners

Weight Loss Category Winner: Shelbi Kautzsch

Shelbi Kautzsch achieved an incredible transformation, shedding over 70 pounds and dropping from a size XL to a Medium. With ZipSlim®, Shelbi not only reclaimed her health but also her energy and zest for life. Now, she’s able to enjoy precious moments with her five beautiful children and tackle each day with renewed vigor. 

Reflecting on her journey, Shelbi says, “Since finding Beyond Slim® my life has forever changed! I went from a tired, unhappy, and overweight mom to a thriving, fit, and happy mom that my kids deserved!”  

Discover more about Shelbi’s inspiring weight loss journey and find the motivation to start your own transformation today! 

Active Category Winner: Nikki Hansen

Nikki Hansen’s story is one of resilience and transformation. Battling endometriosis, high anxiety, two partial hysterectomies, and weight issues, Nikki faced incredible odds. Yet, with unwavering dedication to the 9 Reboot Rituals including taking ZipSlim® twice a day, she lost 23 pounds and rediscovered her energy and zest for life.

Nikki’s journey is a testament to the power of perseverance and self-care. The greatest reward? Nikki says “I feel better than I did in my 20s. My friends and family notice I don’t snap at my kiddos and my confidence has soared.”

Read more about Nikki’s incredible journey and be inspired by what’s possible when you take control of your health and happiness.

Lifestyle Category Winner: Kelly Heffner

After years of battling anxiety and stress, and surviving two mini-strokes, Kelly Heffner was desperate for a solution that could truly make a difference. Traditional treatments were off the table, and natural supplements, creams, gels, and patches drained her time and money without delivering results. Then she discovered ZipSlim®, and everything changed.

With ZipSlim®, Kelly not only lost 42 pounds but also experienced a profound sense of well-being and vitality she had longed for. “ZipSlim® has truly given me my life back,” she says. “I will never go a day without this product and will forever be grateful for all that it has done for me.”

Kelly’s journey is proof that with determination and the right support, transformation is possible. Discover more about her story and see how ZipSlim® could be the key to unlocking your own health potential.

The Most  Fabulous Prizes Ever Awarded!

In addition to winning a $50 Lemonade Stand coupon as top 10 finalists, the grand prize winners will receive the following:

  • A 3-day spa retreat valued at up to $1,000*
  • Personalized virtual wellness sessions with our certified Health & Fitness Professionals
  • Free Beyond Slim® product**
  • Exclusive Reboot 66 Winner merchandise
  • An invitation to share their story live with Franz Snideman
  • Recognition blog story, winner’s certificate and social media celebratory graphics

Keep an eye out for Cycle 3 of the 2024 Reboot 66® Challenge—coming soon to our Reboot 66 Facebook Group! Don’t miss your chance to join the excitement and transform your life!

*The 3-day spa retreat will be selected based on the winner’s location within a 150-mile radius. Beyond Slim® will cover the cost for a 3-day/2-night stay at a luxury spa resort, spa services and food credit not to exceed $1,000. In lieu of the 3-day spa retreat, the winner may opt to take a cash prize of $700.

**Free Beyond Slim® product will be selected based on which products the winner does not have an active Subscribe & Save order.

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