Finding My Fitter, Healthier, Happier Self Again

My name is Angela Patton and this is my “Before to Beyond” story. Four years ago, I was in a bad accident that left me unable to do a lot of things I normally do (day-to-day activities, exercise etc). I stacked on 60 pounds very quickly from the inactivity. I watched Denise Maloney for months […]

Finding A Healthy Life After 73

My name is Rita Lynn and this is my Before to Beyond Story…Four years ago my doctor told me I needed to lose weight. I found a product that I did like. I lost 30 pounds and was feeling great. About two years after that I was still taking the product but it was not […]

My Journey-Depressed To Impressed

My name is Cindy Drake and this is my “Before to Beyond” Story. Before starting this journey on November 1, 2023, I had given up and became so depressed. I went into a very dark hole. I had been in pain for 35 years. It started when I was 12 and got dragged by a […]

It’s Better Late Than Never

My name is Angela Schroeder and this is my Beyond Slim story. I was a scrawny kid till I was seven years old when my metabolism seemed to change. After that it was up and down the scale. In my mid-20s, I started taking things extra serious, lost 25 pounds, and looked and felt amazing, […]

From Do Better To Being Beautiful

My name is Megan; this is my “Before to Beyond” story. I came from another health and wellness company but followed my upline and went all in. Best decision I ever made. I started using Beyond Slim in October and by December I’d lost over 26 pounds and dropped under 200. So excited to get […]

Reclaiming My Health

My name is Becca and this is my “Before to Beyond” story. Before I started on my wellness journey, I struggled a lot with my weight, my mental health, and getting enough sleep. Carrying all the extra weight started taking a toll on me physically and mentally. I used food to comfort me anytime I […]

I Feel ALIVE Again!

My name is Karen Covino and this is my “Before to Beyond” Story. I am 60 years old and have been on a downward spiral for a few years. When I turned 52 I started having menopausal issues that completely changed me both physically and mentally. I gained weight, so much that it felt like […]

New Me Loading

My name is Christina and this is my “Before to Beyond” story. I was watching a friend go on and on about this new amazing product and I decided to try it! She talked me into becoming a coach as I placed my first order—and this is where my life changed! It’s been four months […]

My After

My name is Tami, and this is my “Before to Beyond” story. I was tired of taking a handful of expensive supplements, and not feeling like they were doing anything for me. I was tired of being overweight and not fitting into the clothes in my closet. I was tired of feeling tired. ZipSlim has […]

Reclaiming My Health

My name is Rachel Martinez and this is my “Before to Beyond” story. Before ZipSlim, I was overweight and depressed, my health had gotten so far out of control. I wouldn’t go out or take selfies. I never went to school functions or got down to play with my kids. I just wanted to hide […]

From Tired And Grumpy To Energized And Very Happy

My name is Angel. Before Beyond Slim, I was always tired and needed naps, couldn’t sleep more than two to four hours a night was just miserable and very tired When Heather introduced me to this, I was one of those who made up excuses but she never gave up on me! So thankful for […]

Fat To Fit And Healthy

My name is Everly. Before starting Beyond Slim, I was a hot mess. Literally. I had hot flashes, night sweats, bloating, aches and pains in my joints, not to mention the sleepless nights. I had no sex drive or energy. I couldn’t stay focused. I craved junk food and wine. I learned about Beyond Slim […]