Reclaiming My Health

My name is Becca, and this is my Before to Beyond Story…

My name is Becca and this is my “Before to Beyond” story. Before I started on my wellness journey, I struggled a lot with my weight, my mental health, and getting enough sleep. Carrying all the extra weight started taking a toll on me physically and mentally. I used food to comfort me anytime I was having a bad day. Let’s face it, that was the majority of the time. I had no desire to get my health back because I was suffering from depression amongst other things. Fast forward to June 2023, I lost my brother all of a sudden due to a heart attack. He was diabetic.

That was enough to wake me up to say ENOUGH is ENOUGH. I called my doctor the following day to do the lab work and check me; sure enough, I was pre-diabetic. My Mom is a diabetic with heart issues. She lost both legs, so seeing what my family history was, I decided to reclaim my health.

A good friend of mine has been sharing ZipSlim for quite a while. I am always so scared to try ANY kind of supplements. I watched this girl and her transformation for almost a year. Not only physically but mentally. I eventually had enough courage to grab a month’s supply. At this point I was DESPERATE. I needed something, not just for weight but for my mental health. I am so glad I gave it a try. I can’t go a day without it. Am obsessed with how it makes me feel and the 42 pounds lost in just 3 months is mind-blowing. It’s all MINDSET! I fell in love with this product and decided to share with others. I can sleep soundly, feel the best I have in years, and my confidence is coming back in full force.

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Before to Beyond Stories