Truly Can’t Believe This Is Me!

My name is Lucyann, and this is my “Before to Beyond” story. My daughter in Maryland started her journey with Beyond Slim and I truly thought: this is another lie. However, over the weeks, I watched her changing and then decided I’d give this a try. However, I then stated this costs too much! I […]

Finally! I Made Myself A Priority 💜

Alrighty, I don’t share my story often. My name is Shannon and I’m 55 years young. Something happened at 52 – I started putting on weight with no answers to lose it. I tried everything! Expensive programs, multiple products – nothing worked! Enter Denise Maloney and the amazing results she was getting in early 2023. […]

Tired Mommy Finding Herself Again!

My name is Courtney and this is my “Before to Beyond” story. Before I started this journey, I was an exhausted stay-at-home mom (SAHM) to 3 little boys. Since having my kids, I can’t seem to lose my darn belly fat. I’ve tried other things and they’ve never worked. I was tired of feeling drained […]

The Help I Was So Desperate For!

My name is Laura, and this is my “Before to Beyond” story. Just 6 short months ago, I was miserable. For about the last year prior, I had been dealing with unusual nerve pain, muscle pain, joint pain, and neuropathy in my hands and feet from out of nowhere. I was also dealing with debilitating […]

From the Ashes We Rise!

My name is Ann Adams, and this is my “Before to Beyond” story. I started my ZipSlim journey last June 2023. In March of 2023, I was fed up with being overweight, trying to control my type 2 diabetes, degenerative disc disease, high blood pressure, severe depressive disorder, and anxiety—the list continues. See, I was […]

Cheers to a Happier, Healthier Me

My name is Ynasia Ginn, and this is my “Before to Beyond” story. I was an exhausted, depressed, overweight mom of three kids. After having my two boys 15 months apart 2 years ago, I couldn’t consistently keep the weight off. I gave up so many times. Not only was I tired and felt I […]

Lifestyle Changes of a Tired Mom

My name is Amber, and this is my “Before to Beyond” story… After having two kids, I gained so much weight and felt disgusted with how I looked. I lived in oversized clothes, hated summer because I didn’t want to be seen in a bathing suit and my confidence went to sh*t. Taking care of […]

Someday Starts Today!

My name is Sherry, and this is my “Before to Beyond” story. Before I found Beyond Slim and ZipSlim, I was a sugar addict that was always exhausted, had no motivation, had major brain fog, suffered migraines, and watched the scale go up and up along with battling stress/anxiety and depression. Yes, I was a […]

From Sad and Depressed to Confident

Hi, I’m Jessica, a registered nurse for 20+ years and a dialysis clinic manager. This is my “Before to Beyond” story. On June 20, 2023, my father took his last breath. Five days earlier, my family got into 2 vehicles leaving from the Boise Idaho area to travel to Southern Indiana. The trip was expected […]

From Memory to Reality!

My name is Lisa, and this is my Before to Beyond Story… Five years ago my personality flipped 180. I had a physical trauma from falling 25 feet off a zip line. I spent 2 years recovering physically from that, only to have traumatic abuse-suppressed memories arise that I’d locked down in my brain for […]

My Confidence Builder

My name is Reneissa and this is my story. I struggled for years losing and maintaining weight. I would try so many diets, groups, even a gym. I couldn’t stick with it. It was dull, boring, and expensive to buy their programs and food. I sat on the fence watching everyone’s testimonies until I finally […]

Resetting My Life

Anyone else get this?? I was stuck at a plateau. I LITERALLY could not do a thing to lose weight or give up daily sweet addiction long term. Nothing. It felt like total 💩 to be honest!! Truly it was like one day I had metabolism and BAM 💥 the next day I did NOT! […]