Before to BEYOND Stories

At Beyond Slim®, our mission is simple: To help millions of people become Fitter, Healthier, and Happier.

There is no finish line when it comes to your health; that’s why instead of “before and after” stories… we celebrate “Before to BEYOND Stories.” 

We’re proud to celebrate the success stories of the remarkable people below, and invite you to create and share your own story with us.

Down 2 Pants Sizes

I was feeling thick, heavy, bloated, and just unhappy with myself. I tried watching what I ate, tried drinking different supplements, and never had the ...
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Getting Healthy

I love food, most food, I’ll eat anything. I eat when I’m full, happy, sad, depressed, bored. I could keep it in check in my ...
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I traded my Shredded Nerves for Shredded Curves!

In September 2020, I was truly in the worst shape of my life; HUGELY overwhelmed with stress “fluff” and exhausted beyond description after nursing both ...
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Happier me!

In October of 2019 my husband was in a motorcycle accident and my mother-in-law was diagnosed with cancer. We were taking her back and forth ...
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Finding my Happy Place

I have struggled with my weight ever since I stopped competitive gymnastics after college. Then I had a baby, and it was even worse. I ...
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It is possible!!

I never had an issue with weight as a teen or young adult. Three kiddos later, and many more years to my age, I was ...
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Health Never Came Easy

I have struggled with weight my entire life, along with having energy and getting enough sleep at night. I was diagnosed with Thyroid issues at ...
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50+ Me Finding the Younger Me

Before ZipSlim®, I was feeling down about myself, because I was the heaviest I had been my whole life. For over 20 years, I have battle ...
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BEYOND Slim – My Life Changer

Do you ever avoid mirrors? I did. Do you ever talk crap about yourself inside your own head? I did. Do you ever have dread ...
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Everything is better

So much has changed! I am no longer binging on food, because I have to drink ZipSlim® on an empty stomach, which has helped me ...
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Grazing to fading!

My friend Sarah got a hold of me and tried to tell me about this awesome lemonade so she said, but I would not listen ...
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From Porky to Empowered!

I was tired and grouchy with my energy level non existent. Having a severe lack of energy unless it was time to eat. My weight ...
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This is How We Do It

I am a Great Grandmother, blessed with 4 children, 17 grandchildren & 4 great grandchildren. I think it’s important to share my story hoping to encourage, ...
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Inches Off

I started with a stressful mindset from working at home for over a year. Gained a few extra pounds from sitting all day and not ...
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Thriving Life With My Parents Forever!

I started my journey back in November 2020. It was my mission to keep my parents as healthy as I could. It started with them, ...
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3rd Shift Woes

As a 3rd shift patrol sergeant in a large municipal police department, my physical health could be the difference between life and death. Before, my ...
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