Finding who I am
Hi, my name is Toni, and this is my Before to Beyond story. Before I started Zipslim, I was depressed because I was bloated and overweight, and my joints hurt all the time. My weight always fluctuated due to celiac disease, a hysterectomy, and two c-sections. I was not motivated to do anything unless I […]
My name is Rosalie, and this is my Beyond Slim story. I have tried so many fad diets. Some worked, and some did not. I was getting tired of the same old crap “eat the food, take the pills fast, it will work.” Well, it didn’t. I was following one of the coaches for about […]
“From ‘this can’t be me’ to … THIS IS ME!”
My name is MINDFUL MANNY Ortiz, and this is my Before to Beyond Story… My starting point: I’m stuck in life, horizontal, ‘couch potato’, either staring at the TV or somehow escaping my reality. This was about 1 ½ years after being diagnosed with sleep apnea and chronic fatigue. I was feeling defeated, demoralized, and […]
From Discouraged to Encouraged
My name is Ashton, and this is my Before to Beyond story. Before beyond, I had accepted/settled with my overall wellness and life. I was stuck in my weight-loss journey, I was napping every day, and I was stuck in my personal growth as an Entrepreneur. With Beyond….I’m thriving! My weight-loss plateau is a thing […]
Broken Toe Blues
Hi everyone, my name is Cherry, and this is my Before to Beyond Slim Story. When Covid hit in 2020, I began running to battle manic depression. I had never run in my life. It was the most freeing experience I have ever had, and it was my escape. I was in the best shape […]
From Hesitant to Confident
My name is Shelbi Kautzsch, and this is my Before to Beyond Story… Prior to taking ZipSlim, my mental and physical wellbeing felt stagnant. I lead a very fast-paced lifestyle as a busy mom of five children, an entrepreneur, and a wife. Even with such a full plate of commitments and obligations, something was still […]
Determined, Committed and Enjoying the Benefits!
My Name is Faith, and this is my Before to Beyond story. I was having physical issues, and not feeling myself. I had gone through some grief as I lost two sisters to cancer a year and a day apart. I would snack a lot on unhealthy snacks. I was feeling anxious, down, stressed, and […]
Zipslim made a difference for me
My name is Kristi and this is my Before and Beyond story. I was overweight. I had no energy to do anything, and it affected my child and me. I had been diagnosed with Crohn’s disease and gallstones. I was so miserable. I knew I had to do something. I had seen what a difference […]
Lost 5 pounds first week
My name is Tracey, This is my Before to Beyond story. I was on the program last year and lost 9 pounds. I fell away from doing the 9 steps but still drank the Zipslim for the energy it gave me. I had gained back the nine pounds and more. I finally decided to be […]
From hopless to hopeful!
My name is Maranda Taylor, and this is my Beyond Slim story. Before Beyond Slim, I was constantly tired and couldn’t get enough energy to get through the day, no matter how much coffee I drank. My body CONSTANTLY craved sugar, I would actually wake up in the middle of the night to eat sugar. […]
Beyond Belief
Hi. My name is Kelly Easley, and this is my Before and Beyond story. Over the years, as I have gotten older and especially with menopause, each year, the pounds just kept adding up. I was overweight, always tired, stressed out in every way, had no energy, and was deeply discouraged. I felt horrible in […]
From Train Wreck to Train Engineer
My name is Lori and this is my Before to Beyond Story. My Train Wreck to Train Engineer Story. I know what you are thinking….what kind of story title is that??!! Please read my story, and you will understand. I started my Zipslim journey in September 2020, knowing I wouldn’t reach my weight loss goals. […]