Zipslim made a difference for me

My name is Kristi, and this is my Before to Beyond Story…

My name is Kristi and this is my Before and Beyond story. I was overweight. I had no energy to do anything, and it affected my child and me. I had been diagnosed with Crohn’s disease and gallstones. I was so miserable. I knew I had to do something. I had seen what a difference Zipslim made with my friend Lisa, and decided to give it a try to make that difference with me, hopefully.

I learned about Zipslim through my friend Lisa Dinkel, who eventually became my coach. I started a year ago and lost 30 lbs. I have felt such a difference overall. My gallbladder was removed, but I feel amazing, and Zipslim made a difference for me. It has been the most helpful to me in losing weight. My family noticed a change in my being able to do other activities. It’s always nice to hear your family say you are looking good.

To anyone that had doubts about it working, you won’t be sorry if you jump in and start.

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Before to Beyond Stories