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Finding My Fitter Self

My name is Wendy, and this is my Before to Beyond Story…

My health has been pretty bad since I was in my upper 20s and I am now 44 years old. I have so many health issues I could make a book. But the most that sticks out at the moment is having no energy at all (feeling like a zombie), having nerve damage and being in pain that impacts my life daily, like my anxiety and depression. Now after using Beyond Slim products my anxiety is gone and I feel a lot more alert with focus and energy! The products are amazing and have changed my life for the better.

Thank you sooo much Beyond Slim.

I want to thank my new friend Stacey who is also a Coach with Beyond Slim. I met her on Facebook and she introduced me to Beyond Slim and has changed my life so much. Now after using Beyond Slim products, my anxiety is gone and I feel a lot more alert with focus and energy! The products are amazing and have changed my life for the better. Thank you so much Beyond Slim.

Story submitted on 07/19/2024.

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Before to Beyond Stories