From Exhausted & Stressed to Energized & Blessed….I traded being HANGRY for being HAPPY!

My name is Sarah, and this is my Before to Beyond Story…

Words can’t possibly describe how exhausting and stressful the past months have been. My youngest son and his girlfriend were in a horrific accident that almost took their lives. I became their full time nurse/care provider 24/7 as soon as they were released from the hospital.

There were days when I honestly didn’t have a moment to eat a bite until midnight – and I often chose ice cream straight from the carton because it was “quiet” and wouldn’t wake them up or involve any cleanup… I look back and don’t even know how we all survived, but I’m super thankful we did!

Those intense months with very little sleep (never more than two hours at a time) wreaked havoc on my health, and I added some serious STRESS FLUFF to my already overweight body.

By a miracle, ZipSlim® found me very late one night via a friend on social media. I got started right away, hoping and praying that something so simple and delicious could actually help me!

Those first two nights I slept 14 hours!!! Obviously, my exhausted body needed rest more than ANYTHING.

I then started noticing my appetite was cut in half and the resident Hangry Monster who used to drive me nuts just quietly packed up and moved out! I committed to the Reboot Rituals and actually look forward to them – I released over 30 pounds in 66 days!

  • I started at 257 pounds – I now weigh 223 pounds.
  • I’ve melted from a WAY too tight size 18/20 to a comfortable size 14.
  • My exhaustion has transformed to energy.
  • My overwhelm has turned to total certainty that I will reach my goals!
  • My stress fluff is melting like cotton candy in the rain.


I am committed to creating the healthiest, happiest, fittest body I am capable of, because now I have the support and tools to sculpt the container my soul deserves to inhabit!

Most importantly, my sons are both so very proud of their Mom!

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Before to Beyond Stories