Finally! I Made Myself A Priority 💜

My name is Shannon, and this is my Before to Beyond Story…

Alrighty, I don’t share my story often.

My name is Shannon and I’m 55 years young. Something happened at 52 – I started putting on weight with no answers to lose it. I tried everything! Expensive programs, multiple products – nothing worked!

Enter Denise Maloney and the amazing results she was getting in early 2023. In April, when I started using ZipSlim, I was at my highest weight without being pregnant, 163 pounds.😱 I lost 10# in the first month with ZipSlim. 🤸🏻‍♀️ I felt like I was getting my life and my self control back. I was sleeping better, thank goodness – no more night sweats! It totally killed my sugar/ snack cravings and my energy was through the roof. I jumped into being a coach with ZipSlim.

In January, I decided I wanted to do this thing right. I want to feel good in my body; I want my clothes to feel comfortable; I want to fit in my ski pants! I want my boys to feel proud of their momma—they’re 11 and 13, they keep me hopping and I want to hop for a long time 😉

I connected with a client and we became accountability partners, I can’t stress how much help this afforded me – to touch base daily really kept me in check. Not only am I another 10 pounds down… but I feel fantastic! I love how I’m looking in my clothes – you can even tell in these shorts 👀 I’m less than 10# from my goal and it seems so doable now.

This time, nothing makes me happier than helping other women reach their health goals.

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Before to Beyond Stories