Finding ME Again!

My name is Billi Jo, and this is my Before to Beyond Story…

My name is Billi, and THIS is my Before to Beyond story … I’m 48 and an empty nester! Knowing this, you’d think I’d have been having the time of my life, right!?

Wrong! I was slowly losing myself after my hysterectomy at age 40, and noticed more and more tiredness each week/month, less energy and then there’s the weight! It just kept piling on no matter how much I walked or watched what I was eating.

Grandbabies were introduced into my life 6 years ago (I have 5 now) and as the years were going by, it was harder and harder for me to get down on the floor with them or play outside without being totally exhausted. This is NOT the vision I had for meemaw life.

Thru the years I’ve tried so many pills, potions, and lotions to FEEL better but only ended up spending thousands of dollars on empty promises.

In November, I stumbled across a friend’s post on social media for this “weight loss lemonade” so I thought why not, I had nothing to lose at this point because I had tried everything else. Wow, did I hit the jackpot!

After just one week, I felt so good each morning because I was now sleeping thru the night—something that hadn’t happened in a long time. I was also feeling less bloated and my clothes weren’t fitting as tightly. I was down twice as many inches as pounds and I was really digging the new spring in my step.

As of today, I’m down a total of 18 pounds and 2 pants sizes smaller! I’ll end by saying if you are going thru a change in life, or getting ready to, please let this be a source of hope for you. There is a better way with ZipSlim!!

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Before to Beyond Stories