Finding Wellness

My name is Steve & Callie, and this is my Before to Beyond Story…

I am a registered medical assistant and have worked in Healthcare since I was 18. I have always been a firm believer in modern medicine. I always thought holistic medicine was a hoax! I admit now I was wrong. I still believe in modern medicine when needed for sure and still work in Healthcare settings as I have a passion to help others. But I no longer disbelieve in the holistic approach to health and wellness!

Five years ago, I had a total hysterectomy. It was the best decision I had made with all the problems I was having with female issues. Anyone who knows me knows that I have never eaten great. I am a junk food junkie! I was drinking a sugary energy drink every morning, then two 44-ounce fountain sodas during my work day for energy. I never drank water, ever! So COVID came and everybody was at home not doing anything, bored, and constantly eating out of the fridge! All that with a total hysterectomy and your hormones being all messed up, is a recipe for complete weight gain.

I was always skinny before turning 32. Then my metabolism pretty much stopped working. Before my hysterectomy, I weighed about 145 pounds, and I felt comfortable at that weight. For the first time in my life, I had meat on my bones! But the weight just kept packing on, and I was diagnosed with an autoimmune disorder called mixed connective tissue disease. My joints hurt constantly. It was hard to get out of bed everyday. The weight had increased the joint pain. Every day, I was gaining more and more weight, such that I had to buy new clothes. It affected my mood daily. I was in a funk! By the time I made the decision to start eating a little healthier, I was already weighing 186 pounds.

I basically starved myself just to get 10 pounds down. I had zero energy, and was still very moody. My husband had gained lots of weight right alongside of me. When my friend Meredith had seen some results with ZipSlim, I inquired. We had ordered as customers 8 weeks’ supply for us both to try. Turns out we really enjoyed the energy it gave us as well as how it curbed our appetite. We thought, hey let’s just try this because two customers are all we need to get our ZipSlim free. So, in November 2023, we became coaches.

Steve and I saw results with ZipSlim pretty quickly. These mixers curbed our appetites, and we quickly lost some weight and inches! Steve had to put new holes in his belt because his pants were falling off. I was feeling better every day and had less joint pain. I had energy without the afternoon crash. Steve had been drinking 3 energy drinks a day prior to ZipSlim….. And now neither of us take energy drinks at all. Our moods are better. We sleep well at night. Our joints don’t hurt as bad. Our friends and family are always telling us how wonderful we are looking these days!

I would say to anyone who is looking to not only lose weight but who wants full body health, to try these mixers. If you are like me and love to take care of others, but neglect yourself, you definitely need to try ZipSlim. Because you cannot take care of others if you do not take care of yourself! I ran myself into the ground taking care of others, and I will never do that again!

Story submitted on 08/04/2024.

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Before to Beyond Stories