My name is Terri, and this is my Before to Beyond Story…

Hi, my name is Terri, and this is my “Before to Beyond” story…

I was in a place I never wanted to go back to. I was overweight, constantly fatigued, and mentally drained. Most days, I had to force myself out of bed, and even the simplest tasks felt overwhelming. I was moody, depressed, and felt stuck.

I truly believed my best years were behind me. I wasn’t present for the people I loved, and I certainly wasn’t taking care of myself. The idea of change felt impossible, and I couldn’t imagine feeling happy or healthy again.

That all started to change in November 2023 when I had my first ZipSlim. I’m so glad I said yes and committed to drinking it daily! Right away, I noticed a difference in my energy and mindset. While I didn’t magically lose weight overnight, I could feel something shifting inside me.

About a month later, I added a scoop of ZipBOOM to my lemonade each day, and things improved even more. My energy skyrocketed, and my focus was incredible. By my two-month mark, I had lost 22 pounds, but it wasn’t just about the weight. I felt happier. My clothes were getting too big, and I began to tackle my daily routines with ease. Tasks that used to overwhelm me no longer felt like mountains to climb. I started feeling like me again.

By April 2024, I realized just how much my life had changed. I was attending every single ballgame my granddaughter had. Before, I would’ve made excuses, but now I looked forward to being there. I felt free in a way I hadn’t felt in years.

This past quarter, I committed to the Nine Reboot Rituals and added ZipBURN to my daily routine. That’s when things went to a whole new level.

Now, I’m down 38 pounds and countless inches. People comment on how happy and healthy I look, and I can’t stop smiling because I feel it too. I’ve discovered a part of myself I thought was gone forever. The best part? I’m no longer feel anxious or depressed. For the first time in a long time, I feel truly free. A little over a year ago, I couldn’t imagine this life. I thought my best days were behind me, but I was so wrong.

This is just the beginning of my journey. One year in, I’m fitter, healthier, and happier than ever before. I can’t wait to see where year two takes me! Thank you, Beyond Slim, for giving me my life back.

Story submitted on 11/30/2024.

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Before to Beyond Stories