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I’m Me Again

My name is Sarah, and this is my Before to Beyond Story…

In 2013, I thought getting a gastric sleeve would end my battle with obesity. It worked for a while, but by 2018, the weight came back. I tried everything—shots, strict diets, endless exercise—but nothing worked for long.

Quick fixes are tempting, and I don’t judge anyone for trying them. But what’s the long-term plan? You can’t rely on them forever.

Doctors had no answers for me. After deep research, I found the problem: my parasympathetic nervous system was imbalanced, and my cortisol levels were sky-high. Living in a state of constant stress and anxiety, compounded by bipolar depression, made weight loss impossible.

The breakthrough came when I focused on holistic healing and adding ZipSlim to balance my hormones, reduce stress, and heal my body and mind. In 90 days, I lost 31 pounds and found peace.

I have continued to thrive 2 years later and I get compliments often that I don’t look old enough to have an 18 year old son. I’m so glad I healed and I love helping others heal too!

Story submitted on 07/09/2024.

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Before to Beyond Stories