One Step Forward

My name is Leslie, and this is my Before to Beyond Story…

My name is Leslie, and this is my Before to Beyond Story. I thought I wouldn’t have to worry about the hot flashes, night sweats, and weight gain until later in life. I was wrong. I started hormonal changes in my mid forties. I asked the doctor during visits a couple of times a year if this was a menopause change, and I was told that I was NOT going through the change in my mid-forties. As I slowly was gaining weight, experienced restless nights and anxiety, I was at the point where feeling so down was taking over. I could not get answers. I would soon be hitting fifty and my weight was not where I wanted it to be.

I had been comfortable at 140 pounds for several years, but when I hit 200, I was so shocked at myself. I worked a weekend job to stay busy, but that 200-pound mark wouldn’t drop. I would continue to ask the doctor on my yearly visits what I can do about my hormonal changes. I was miserable, and could not get answers on menopause symptoms (I was internally begging for help or relief). I wanted to fix my body/health because of upcoming graduations, a wedding, and travels with the family. I was embarrassed about myself. When we found out our first grandbaby was due in March 2022, I thought, oh this is it. I had to get busy. I wanted to move and play with this little one. It seemed like the more I tried to watch what I would eat, there was no weight loss achieved.

On July 2022, I had a rash on my leg that was intense. After steroids and antibiotics, the mysterious rash went away only for the rash to return in January 2023. I finally went to my yearly check-in with my doctor in March 2023. I said my rash on the leg is beyond miserable. I was still having night sweats, and I thought the rash was due to stress and hormonal changes. I left the doctor’s office with a calorie sheet and was told if I wasn’t better in a few days to come back. I went to my car and cried. I thought I was done for. I had to take one step forward and change this myself.

I was on my Facebook in March and saw a ZipSlim coach sharing the product. I thought, if this will work to drink twice a day and curb my appetite, I might check this out further. I wanted to know more and started researching the product. After a couple of weeks of procrastinating, I ordered my first two bags. I started drinking ZipSlim on April 16, 2023. The rash on my leg had diminished by the first of May. My cravings curbed, and I didn’t want to drink soda anymore. I started walking a mile a day consistently!

The overall support was amazing. I keep the 9 Reboot Rituals accessible, a big part of my routine on my way to work every morning. It is my daily go-to and I have to say that Gratitude has been a strength for me. My husband is amazed and very proud of me. He loves that I am enthusiastic about getting my weight and health in order. I have seen a change in such a short amount of time but it is a day-to-day process for me. I have lost 14 pounds and 6 inches for the 66-day challenge. I also have to share that after a few nights of starting ZipSlim, my night sweats are gone. I sleep great, and I know the ingredients had a major role of my leg rash diminishing. My co-workers are amazed and I love sharing, “What am I shaking in my water bottle?”

This is my game changer. I am beyond ecstatic to find this product.

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Before to Beyond Stories