My name is Carrie Garland and this is my “Before to Beyond” story!
In May of 2022, I had to step away from a career that I loved, being a preschool teacher, enriching and engaging with little minds. I was heartbroken. Why did I have to step away? I’ve dealt with debilitating chronic migraine for 25 years, and other medical issues have popped up as the years have gone on. I also battle major depressive disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, and PTSD, as well as being stuck in fight or flight. My doctors encouraged me to apply for disability because my quality of life was non-existent. So that is what I did at 47 years old. Talk about a punch in the gut!
My quality of life didn’t improve, unfortunately. I was still having migraine pain every day, as well as dealing with fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, and small tissue neuropathy…. on top of everything else!
Enter Beyond Slim……
Someone I had formerly worked with was using the products and was also a coach. She was persistent, and I am forever grateful that she kept popping into my Messenger! I started ZipSlim in October 2023—thankfully the ingredients didn’t trigger migraines! I began following the Reboot Rituals, and I started sleeping well again. The all day aches and pains diminished, as well as chronic pain in my neck and shoulders! I started losing inches and pounds; 45 so far, and 4 dress sizes. Woohoo!!!
As time went on, I added ZipBOOM and that really helped my mental health, productivity, and mental clarity. This was a great feeling, because I really felt the migraines had turned my brain into Swiss cheese. I was forgetful, couldn’t focus, and had terrible brain fog. I was so in love with the products, that I decided to enroll as a coach to help others feel as amazing as I did, and I continued to add products. I added RSN—WOW GAME CHANGER! I began sleeping even better, getting that deep, restful, restorative sleep I hadn’t been getting in years. My skin has improved so much that people can’t believe I’m 49!
In August, I was able to share my story with Ray Faltinsky and so many others at a company event; and of course I added ZipBURN to my daily routine. I told Ray at the event that I felt the products were giving me my life back and how thankful I was to him, and everyone who plays a role in these terrific products!
What has changed for me since starting the products? I lost 45 pounds and continue to lose pounds and inches. My sleep has never been better, my body is no longer full of inflammation, my digestion is amazing as well as my energy, and mental health. I’m not living on muscle relaxants or pain killers. I’m pain free, so I’m able to go for a 3-5 mile walk and do HIIT cardio, without being laid up for the next 3 days. My appetite and portions are under control and I no longer crave sweets; and even though the bloodwork may show that I’m perimenapausal—-the symptoms are GONE! Do I still have migraines – yes and I always will, because they are mainly trauma based, however, I’m no longer stuck in fight or flight, and the intensity and duration of the migraines are much easier to deal with overall!
My friends and family are absolutely blown away by the turnaround that’s happened with my health and the weight loss. They have done nothing but support me on this journey. And the BEST PART…… I’m returning to the classroom January 3rd, 2025!!! I NEVER thought I’d be able to teach again, and I’ve done nothing but cry happy tears since I was offered a lead teaching position to help 4- and 5-year-olds learn and grow!
I didn’t start the products to lose weight, even though I had plenty of excess weight to lose. I started for all of the NON weight-loss benefits these products offer and I’m being rewarded by them and following the rituals.
To anyone who feels stuck, tired of feeling sick, sluggish, and exhausted – this is your sign! My body didn’t need all of the prescriptions, physical therapy, etc. It needed BALANCE and these products have truly done that for me! Use the products, follow the rituals, stay consistent, and TRUST the process!
Story submitted on 11/27/2024.