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2024 Cycle 2 Reboot 66 Challenge!

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VotING ENDED Sunday October 22, 2023.

Uncovering My Military Body

My name is Victoria, and this is my Before to Beyond Story…

Before discovering ZipSlim, I had difficulties daily with low energy, lack of focus, memory problems, low mood, and mood swings. I couldn’t stick to any kind of routine for my health and fitness; I would make it to the gym most weeks, but any obstacle would throw me off and reset me entirely. I was getting nowhere.

I’ve been drinking ZipSlim since October 2023. ZipSlim helped boost my mood, making my major depression just manageable enough that I could stick to a gym routine every day. It helped me focus, which helped me make a lot of content for social media, and it improved my memory, so I would remember things I needed to do. It gives me just enough energy to get through the day.

Story submitted on 07/12/2024.

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Before to Beyond Stories