Finally Over That Slump!

My name is Shannon, and this is my Before to Beyond Story…

My name is Shannon, and this is my Before and Beyond story.

I started ZipSlim on 6/25/23 and haven’t looked back since. I was still recovering from a diagnosis resulting in two additional autoimmune illnesses; Ulcerative Colitis and fibromyalgia. I also have Hidradenitis Suppurativa. I suffered muscle pain daily, fatigue, restlessness at night, night sweats, gut pains, brain fog, weird dreams, sugar cravings, demotivation, and was taking many supplements. I struggled to do my daily yoga since my legs hurt and enjoying hiking was also a struggle. I felt weak and wanted to continue doing what I loved.

I didn’t think I would get such significant results from starting ZipSlim but I did!! My friend kept sharing her results, so I finally asked for a sample. Was so surprised at how great it tasted! All I can drink is water and coffee if I am lucky, so it was so nice to have something yummy I could drink!! 

The reboot rituals were great to follow and start good habits! I thrived on them all every day!! With ZipSlim, I no longer had night sweats. It also helped with my gut pain when I eat something that doesn’t sit well with me. My brain fog is better. Sleep improved with fewer nightmares and my mood is also better.

ZipSlim helped with my muscle pain and strength. This summer I was able to do more outdoor adventures!! My energy increased! I stopped taking many supplements that were hard on my tummy!

I feel like ZipSlim helped continue to live the life I wanted while helping cope with multiple chronic illnesses. I also lost 8 pounds and 15 inches overall! I didn’t realize it until I put this together! 😃 Also, RS90 has helped clear up my cystic acne!! I’m so happy!! Thank you so much!

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Before to Beyond Stories