Finding Myself Again

My name is Pamela, and this is my Before to Beyond Story…

My name is Pam. My weight has always been up and down my entire life. At the age of 36, I was unwell due to the way I chose to lose weight. I am now 51 and I decided I needed to do this the right way or honestly I may not be here any longer. I have tried every fad diet out there and literally, they would work for a while, then the weight loss would stop. I always struggled with wanting the weight off right away. I realize now that taking the weight off the wrong way and losing it too fast is not good because the weight you lose always comes back.

This past June I found out I had type 2 diabetes, which makes it harder to lose weight. I sometimes don’t know how much to eat but I just simply make better choices. I truly believe I’m moving in the right direction with better health and losing this weight. I am so much healthier and feel a lot better since I started drinking ZipSlim. The weight doesn’t come off fast but IT DOES come off and I feel amazing. I truly feel like this lemonade is simply life-changing.

I found out about this product through a friend of mine, Tracy Bromm. I am so thankful because I have energy again. My blood sugar is under control and I am just not as hungry as I was before. I would tell anyone who is struggling with weight loss and feeling unhappy with themselves that this lemonade works and if it can help someone like me who truly struggled my entire life up and down with weight and feeling physically horrible, give this a chance. It truly works!!! It’s the best choice I have ever made.

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Before to Beyond Stories