From Hesitant to Confident

My name is Shelbi, and this is my Before to Beyond Story…

My name is Shelbi Kautzsch, and this is my Before to Beyond Story… Prior to taking ZipSlim, my mental and physical wellbeing felt stagnant. I lead a very fast-paced lifestyle as a busy mom of five children, an entrepreneur, and a wife. Even with such a full plate of commitments and obligations, something was still missing in my life. With no time to prioritize myself let alone accurately gauge the long-term benefits of other alternatives that I had tried before, I felt defeated; trapped, and immobile.

As expected, this negative emotional state began rippling throughout my family, who were all well aware of my depressing situation, and I used food to cope with it. It was quite clear that if I wanted to bring positivity back into the home, I would need to find an easy way to commit to self-care before any real change could be seen.

After my friend kept posting about ZipSlim, I reached out, I was hesitant, but the results after just one day of taking it made me instantly excited for what was to come. My energy levels soared, and my motivation had reached new heights – a much-needed source of power as a mom with five kids!

After 8 weeks, I have now lost 21 pounds, and I feel like I’m on top of the world. Confident, excited, and, most importantly, filled with energy, I am ready to take on this new year and show my family the best version of me— a happy mom and wife who is passionate about life and getting more done each day.

Taking a risk can be daunting, especially when it comes to your health and overall well-being. I understand if you feel hesitant when it comes to trying ZipSlim—I was in the exact same boat a few months ago. But I’m here to tell you that experience taught me that taking the leap of faith was the best decision I ever made.

From experience, I can say with confidence that should you take that same risk and give ZipSlim a try, you won’t regret it. You have nothing to lose and so much to gain – this risk could turn out to be the key element in helping you become the best version of yourself, as it did for me. By putting yourself first and making this life-changing choice, you’ll find yourself feeling more grateful each day.

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Before to Beyond Stories