Hopeless to Happy

My name is Laura, and this is my Before to Beyond Story…

Last year, just a few months after turning 60, I was in full blown self destruct. I was heavier than I had ever been. I was sitting at home at night alone, drinking too much, eating all of my feelings of inadequacy and disappointment, and wallowing in how pathetic that was. I had just been laid off from my job and was terrified about how I was going to secure another one looking and feeling the way I did. I would try to go out walking but my knees and feet were giving me pain due to all the extra weight, so I would just quit and eat something to feel better in the moment.

I realized at that time that if I did not stop this runaway train of destruction, I would eventually die in my misery. I remembered a product I used many years before that I loved, but the company had gone out of business. I did remember a gal I had met when using it named Joy. I knew she was into fitness, and I thought maybe she could help me. I searched for her contact info and found her on Facebook. I reached out and that is when she introduced me to ZipSlim.

When I heard “Money back guarantee,” I had to try it. Little did I know that would be a turning point in my life. Joy coached me by introducing me to the Reboot 66 program that outlines 9 Reboot Rituals a person can do to enhance the benefits of ZipSlim. I printed my tracking chart out and started tracking myself before I even received the product. Mind you, I was only doing 2 of 9 rituals in the beginning, but it gave me a place to start. Once I received the product and started drinking this delicious lemonade, I noticed my mood and attitude had completely changed. I was happy and that was a new feeling—hopeful for the first time in years. I immediately started loosing weight and started to track more Reboot Rituals per day. Soon I was accomplishing all 9 Reboot Rituals each day and that made me feel like I was heading towards something instead of wallowing in my misery.

I started at 256.6 lbs when I began. From the end of September to the beginning of the this latest Reboot Ritual which started on October 11th, I had lost 16 lbs. I realize that not all people taking this product had the same results, but I was so heavy it gave me an advantage. During this Reboot 66 Challenge, I have lost an additional 10 lbs! This is a big deal as I moved my parents in September; went to a wedding in California and moved myself from Arizona to Ohio in October; helped my daughter move, survived Covid, and enjoyed Thanksgiving in November; and started a new job, totaled my car in an accident, and made it through to Christmas in December!!! Any one of those things in the past would have sent me back to binging and over drinking. I am so thankful today that I am fitter and healthier than I was before I started and happier because I am now investing in myself and winning.

When I started this journey, it was just for myself. As I have traversed these months, I found a few other major benefits. First, my memory and focus have returned. Secondly, my energy level is so much better. I am motivated to do what I have to do and what I want to do. Thirdly, I have met and now walk alongside amazing new friends who are inspiring me to keep going daily. Fourthly, I was not expecting the financial rewards this product has given me. Lastly, I get to help others find a solution to many of their ailments and challenges. I get to offer support and be a part of their success. I am so blessed by God to have been led to ZipSlim and this amazing company called Beyond Slim.

Thank you

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Before to Beyond Stories