Anyone else get this?? I was stuck at a plateau. I LITERALLY could not do a thing to lose weight or give up daily sweet addiction long term. Nothing. It felt like total to be honest!! Truly it was like one day I had metabolism and BAM
the next day I did NOT! It’s like I went from 160 pounds to 200 in less than a year because of menopause.
I did NOT really and truly 100% think this would work. But it has. I walk a few days a week. I don’t crave sugar. And I am not very tempted by the drive-thrus anymore. The many other benefits ZipSlim and ZipBOOM do for me are also just as important to me though. I have NEVER felt so healthy all around. It’s the vitamins. The nutrition in these drinks that are THE REAL DEAL.
Wait till you see my next round of photos!!