Metabolic Reboot First Steps: What’s Your WHY? Set Your Goal!

Metabolic Reboot First Steps: What’s Your WHY? Set Your Goal!

The Beyond Slim® Metabolic Reboot® program is the beginning of an exciting new health journey. And just like any journey, it’s important to know where you’re headed before you start.

That’s why before we get into the 9 Reboot Rituals that will power your success, we have 2 important questions to ask.

What’s Your Why?

Defining your “why” and writing it down is really important when it comes to staying motivated to finally defeat Metabolic Overload and get the quality of health you deserve.

There are likely many reasons you’re looking to lose weight and get fitter, so the key is finding the 2-3 different reasons that will motivate you to keep with the program, and overcome those obstacles that may have kept you from your goals in the past.

To get your brain going, consider these reasons as examples:

  • To live a longer, healthier life.
  • To be able to play sports with your kids or grandkids!
  • To be able to fit into your jeans from a few years ago.
  • To feel more confident in how you look.
  • To have less pain in your joints and muscles.
  • Or just to have a better quality of life day in and day out because you’re finally taking care of yourself.

Take a moment and write your reasons down. 

Here’s another great tip: Keep these somewhere you’ll see them often – like on your fridge or pinned to your desk, taped to your bathroom mirror, or even saved on your phone as your lock screen. 

Whatever you do, never lose sight of your WHY.

Set Your Goal!

Now that you have your why, the next step is to Set Your Goal.

Selecting a weight loss goal is very important to reaching your ideal weight. Studies show that setting a target leads to greater long-term weight loss. It may surprise you to know that having a “stretch” goal actually improves the results; so go for it – set a big, bold goal!

Ask yourself, how much weight do I want to lose in my first 30 days? 5 pounds? 10 pounds? 

Then write it down.

How much do I want to lose in 60 days? 

How about in 90 days? Write those down as well.

Congratulations! Just by setting a goal you are miles ahead of the millions of Americans who start and fail at one fad diet after another, because they don’t take the time to pause and think about where they’re headed.

Now that you know your Why, and you’ve set your Goal, you’re ready to continue on and learn about our 9 Reboot Rituals. 

Metabolic Reboot First Steps: What’s Your WHY? Set Your Goal!
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