Being positive about my body

My name is Shelley, and this is my Before to Beyond Story…

My name is Shelley. Before I started my Beyond journey, I had no energy and gained so much weight after having Covid. My depression set in, and I hated the way I looked. I will turn 60 this year, so I decided I was going to do something about my weight, something for me.

A friend introduced me to Zipslim, and I have been hooked ever since. I feel my energy level has gone up, I don’t get as depressed as I used to. I am seeing a change for the better in my skin, and I have lost 5 lbs so far.

love how the drink tastes. I leave a bottle in my fridge so when I get up at night, instead of eating something sweet, I take a drink and go back to bed. I can’t wait to see what more changes Zipslim will give me. So excited for the future.

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Before to Beyond Stories