Discovering the real me

My name is Juanita, and this is my Before to Beyond Story…

My name is Juanita and before Beyond Slim I did not care about what I ate or even when I ate it. I was like 255 lbs., something had to give. My blood pressure was so high and out of control I was on two different medications for regulating it and two different medications for the damage to my stomach lining because of my poor diet habits throughout my life. So I just had to do something, anything because everything I was doing just wasn’t working.

I learned about Beyond Slim through watching my long time friend Shelby Snow doing her live broadcastings. Her results were starting to show after such a short amount of time and I wanted what she had. So I said, I’m going to invest in my health as much as I’ve been investing into my unhealthy habits. Ever since February 1st I’ve gone from a size 26 down to a size 20 and the scale has kind of reflected the same story. I started this journey at about 250 pounds and to date, I weigh 227, so this stuff works. This has been the very best investment of a lifetime. No regrets here.

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Before to Beyond Stories