Journey To Get My Pink Back

My name is Kristin, and this is my Before to Beyond Story…

My name is Kristin and this is my “Before to Beyond” story. My pivotal moment when I knew something had to change was when my five year found a love for taking candid pictures of me with my phone, doing mundane mom things like changing diapers, making meals, just standing watching my 3-year-old twins play. At the end of the day, I always scroll my pictures of the kids to relax and when I came to the pictures he had taken that day, I was sad with what and who I saw.

Not only was I unhappy with the way my body looked, but it was also the expression on my face. It looked empty and somewhere else, NOT PRESENT. My mind never was there, it was always off thinking of all the things I needed to get done to raise three boys under 5, keep the house running, and maintain a happy marriage. I felt like I never had time to think about myself. It made me sad that this was how I looked to my kids every day! I had realized that I lost my pink.

I watched a TikTok reel about how mother flamingos turn a light pink color when they have a baby because all of their energy and nutrients go to the child and they can’t sustain the BRIGHT pink color. It was then that I decided to make a conscious choice every day to reflect on what I want, who I am, what I enjoy, and where my life is going, aside from being a wife and mother. I wanted a happier life. I wanted to feel good in my skin. I wanted to crochet again. I wanted my clothes to fit better and feel good about trying on new clothes. I wanted to set goals and actually achieve them.

I learned about Beyond Slim from a coworker and what I love most about it is how it makes me feel. I feel more energized, more motivated and happier. I now crochet again! I go to the gym or do a small workout almost everyday. I focus on making food for me instead of just eating my kids’ leftovers. The weights at the gym feel lighter than the last time I picked them up and I find myself smiling just because. This is the smile I want my kids to remember they grew up with. I just feel overall better and more productive. I have been on a journey to lose weight for many years but this has been a game changer and I can’t wait to see where I go from here. So to all the moms who feel like they have lost themselves along the way in motherhood, let’s get your BRIGHT pink back! It’s more possible than it feels at the moment!

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Before to Beyond Stories